电源是一种能够持续供电的设备,其核心功能是将其他形式的能量(如机械能、化学能、热能等)转化为电能。常见的电源有干电池(直流电)和家用的110V-220V交流电源。在现代电子系统中,电源起着至关重要的作用,相当于人体的心脏,源源不断地为电器设备提供动力。Power supply is a kind of equipment which can supply electricity continuously. Its core function is to convert other forms of energy (such as mechanical energy, chemical energy, thermal energy, etc.) into electric energy. Common power sources are dry cells (DC) and household 110V-220V AC power. In modern electronic system, power supply plays a vital role, equivalent to the heart of the human body, to continue to provide power for electrical equipment。
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